Los Angeles Cocaine Charges Lawyer

Last Modified: February 26, 2024

Enforcement of cocaine laws remains an active priority for local, state and federal authorities all throughout Southern California. Whether you were caught with a small amount of powder or rock cocaine, or you are facing allegations of sale or trafficking in coke or crack, you are likely facing a serious felony conviction that could be crippling for your future. – Cocaine Attorney Los Angeles

Cocaine Lawyers Los Angeles

Metro Los Angeles cocaine charges at any level call for representation by a focused, reputable criminal lawyer who makes drug crime defense a clear priority. At the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman, you can work closely with a lawyer committed to understanding every aspect of your case and presenting every viable option for getting your life back on track. – Cocaine Lawyers Los Angeles

Facing Los Angeles Cocaine Possession Charges or a Trafficking Charge?

Our approach to cocaine charges is comprehensive and informed by Cocaine Attorney Los Angeles genuine understanding of addiction and the need for treatment. We believe in every person’s right to zealous defense and stand prepared to fight or negotiate resourcefully for you after:

Cocaine Lawyers Los Angeles

  • Any cocaine possession arrest in a nightclub, as part of a traffic stop or under other circumstances — which may provide ability to challenge the seizure or negotiate a plea to a misdemeanor with no jail time, depending on your prior record and other factors
  • An arrest by police, the California Highway Patrol or federal agents for possession of a substantial amount of cocaine for sales, cocaine trafficking or other charges that expose you to the possibility of a long state prison sentence
  • Felony allegations that you shared cocaine with friends or provided crack or rock for others’ use at a party

Cocaine Lawyer Los Angeles –  Former Prosecutor

Attorney Daniel R. Perlman digs into every case we handle, taking the time to get to know the client and family members. As a former prosecutor, he is adept at bringing forth the evidence and testimony required to help people take advantage of any available treatment or diversion options when dealing with a first-time or repeat cocaine offense. Cocaine Lawyer Los Angeles

Cocaine Attorney Los Angeles

To put our accomplished Southern California defense firm right to work protecting your future, call for a free consultation now.

Cocaine Lawyer Los Angeles

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